Mental Health Support Volunteer Opportunities

Mental health is now at the top of the agenda. According to Mind, the mental health charity, approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. As mental health becomes ever more prominent having volunteers to help with this epidemic is becoming ever more important. 

Why volunteer in mental health?

Volunteering is all about making a difference. If you volunteer in mental health you can help make a difference for people suffering from poor mental health. Volunteering in of itself can help improve mental wellbeing. In the latest NCVO Time Well Spent survey 75% of people who volunteered stated ‘It improves my mental health and wellbeing.’

Having lived experience of mental health conditions can be helpful if you wanted to volunteer in this area. You don’t have to have suffered from poor mental health yourself but maybe a family member or friend has struggled with mental health and you can draw from that experience.

Volunteering can be a great way to enhance your skills and experience. If you are looking for a career in mental health, volunteering can be very beneficial. By volunteering, you can find out more about what working in mental health entails and can be a positive contribution to your CV.

Where to volunteer?

Across Sefton there are several mental health organisations. Here are some organisations you could volunteer for:

The Crisis Café – Based in Crosby and Southport, the Crisis Café is open Friday-Sunday from 5-11 pm. They offer drop-in sessions to over 18s as a safe alternative to A&E. The Crisis Café is a social space and the team is always there with the kettle on standby. 

Sean’s PlaceThis men’s mental healthcharity is based in Litherland. Sean’s Place aims to improve men’s mental health and well-being across Sefton and the Liverpool City Region through support specifically identified to improve confidence and self-esteem for men whilst reducing symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety.  

MenCan  – Volunteer as a befriender to men between the age of 19-50.  This project aims to help those who suffer from feelings of isolation or loneliness reconnect with their community, regain their independence, and increase their levels of self-esteem.  

Swan Centre – A women’s mental health charity, the Swan Centre helps women to achieve mental well-being and provides services for women who experience anxiety, depression, stress or mental health issues.

Carers Trust – is an organisation that helps unpaid carers in Sefton. They give guidance, support, activities and training to the army of unpaid carers who live in the borough. Their listening ear volunteer role offers informal and confidential support, to carers who are suffering bereavement, loss, anxiety, depression and isolation or just need someone to offload and talk to.

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