Volunteer Celebration Event

The Volunteer Celebration Event is an annual event hosted by Sefton CVS and the Volunteer Centre Sefton, to celebrate volunteering in Sefton. Awards and certificates are presented Mayor of Sefton and the Lord Lieutenant.

The volunteers in Sefton make a difference in our area day-in-day-out. They are the unseen army that helps a community thrive in small ways like, shopping for vulnerable individuals, running community cafes and lunch clubs, being a mentor to isolated people, leading local walks, running local groups and clubs for all ages and more.

The event is organised to coincide with the yearly Volunteers Week (1 – 7 June) celebration, which was created to recognise the contribution volunteers make to their community and to say thank you!

This year, as well as certificates of recognition, we also have nominations open for the Volunteer of the Year 2023 and Young Volunteer of the Year 2023 awards.

The full breakdown of awards and certificates include:

  • Volunteer of the Year 2023 Award
  • Young Volunteer of the Year 2023 Award
  • Outstanding Achievement Certificate
  • Recognition of Support Certificate
  • Thank You Certificate
  • Number of Hours Volunteered Recognition Certificate

The celebration will take place on Wednesday 7 June 2023, 11:30am – 2:30pm at Bootle Town Hall.

To register your organisation’s place and receive your nomination pack please:

For more information, contact Volunteer Centre Sefton via email at: info@volunteeringsefton.org.uk or call the team on 0151 920 0726.

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