Volunteer certificate scheme

Show your volunteers some love with Volunteer Centre Sefton’s volunteer certificate scheme.

Volunteer Centre Sefton’s Volunteer Certificate Scheme has been running for many years, providing FREE recognition certificates that local groups can provide to their volunteers.  You can give a certificate based on:

  • A simple thank you appreciation
  • Volunteering hours (annual) e.g. 50 hours, 100 hours, 500 hours etc
  • Volunteering hours (in total with your organsation) e.g. 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years etc
  • Recognition of support
  • Outstanding achievement
  • Certificates tailored to your organisation’s needs

The certificates will include your logo and organisation’s name. We offer printed certificates or e certificates.

The scheme has proven to be very popular, particularly when the certificates are presented at Volunteer Centre Sefton’s annual Volunteer Celebration during Volunteers’ Week (1st-7th June). However, you can request these certificates any time of year and give them to your volunteers when it suits you.

Volunteer Centre Sefton has now launched an additional certificate, aimed at groups and organisations, rather than individual volunteers. The new certificate recognises the volunteering hours of all the volunteers in that organisation and also provides an economic value for those hours.

The new Organisation Certificate is ideal for display, and the information can be used in promotional materials, etc. to help illustrate the impact of your volunteering programme.

Volunteer Centre Sefton has developed this scheme to recognise the valuable work that volunteers do and how it contributes not just to your organisation but to the community as a whole.

If you would like to request an Organisation Certificate or certificates for your individual volunteers, please use the contact form below and we will send you a request form.

Citizens 4 Good

If you have a volunteer or staff member who has gone above and beyond and made a difference in their community then why not show them some love by nominating them for a Citizens 4 Good award? Hosted by Sefton 4 good, Sefton CVS’ charity initiative, and the Mayor of Sefton, the Citizens 4 Good awards are hosted three times a year once each at Maghull, Southport and Bootle Town Halls.